Marketing Moments



Marketing Moments


Want loads of leads? Get in the 3-pack

Want more phone calls, chats, leads & basically opportunities to generate more revenue for your business? Then you're new mission is to get into the Google Business Profile "3-pack"!

The Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business) is the hands down number 1 source of generating leads.

Why is that?

When people need something (anything), they head to Google. Google has positioned the "3-pack" prominently just below paid ads. This is prime real estate & generates an enormous amount of calls and clicks.

The businesses that are found in the 3-pack get far more than their fair share of the calls & leads when compared to their competition.

Want more revenue without needing more traffic?

Businesses commonly focus on getting more traffic, more calls, more visitors as the solution to get more revenue. From this they're always looking for another advertising medium to generate that traffic.

“We need to get on Facebook (or Google, or a different radio station, or TV etc…)

After spending tens of millions on advertising, I can confidently say to actually generate more revenue, there is one thing you should develop BEFORE “getting on Facebook” etc.

Conversions. Without a system to convert the traffic you drive to your website, most of that traffic will not become revenue.

By putting systems in place to ensure you're not missing calls, that your converting more of your website traffic you'll find that you're generating far more revenue than by simply spreading your budget across another advertising medium.

Google reviews. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.

Check this out for yourself.

Google a business name (on desktop or mobile) & see what pops up 1st, or inches away from 1st in the search results.

Your Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business profile), AND your Google reviews.

If you don't have a good (ideally great) star rating with loads of reviews, you have a problem because essentially when someone Google's your business this is a red flag that says "don't deal with this business".

Get loads of good reviews and watch your business grow!

Drop social media marketing & focus on this!

Google crushes social media when it comes to generating leads, calls & revenue for small businesses.

When someone has credit card in hand, ready to spend money, it is to Google they go, not their social media profile.

So drop social media & focus on your Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business).

By putting the social media time/ money/ energy into your GBP you're focusing on something that will really make a difference in your business... getting into the GBP 3 pack.

Businesses in the GBP 3 pack get more calls, leads & website visits, all of which help generate more business revenue!

The staggering power of bad reviews!

Check out this stat…

80% of consumers changed their minds about a RECOMMENDED purchase after reading negative online reviews.

That is insane! Think about this for a minute, maybe longer.

The fact that bad reviews can slam the brakes on 80% of consumers after someone RECOMMENDS a product or service to them goes to show the importance of reviews and your online reputation.

If you haven’t make getting loads of 5 star reviews a priority in your business, you will soon find yourself losing out to your competitors that do.

Texts or email for marketing... which is better?

This is too easy.

Grab your phone. How many unopened emails do you have? Now check how many unopened texts.

Case closed.

Think on these stats (stats email could only dream of)...

95% are opened and responded to within 3 minutes.

  • Text messages have a 209% higher response rate than phone, email or Facebook.

  • Consumers getting SMS marketing messages are 40% more likely to convert than those who don’t.

If you want conversions, results & opens. Text. All the way.

Increase business revenue... without buying more advertising!

A FAST way to increase revenue is to accept this... your business misses phone calls.

Statistically businesses miss 20% to 60% of their calls.

Missing 2 to 6 out of 10 calls, makes your marketing MUCH more expensive.

PLUS... most callers who don’t reach you on call #1 do not call back… they hang up & call your competitors.

Solution? Automated missed call notifications. We offer a system that tracks & notifies you of missed calls (in real time)!

This either reduces, or completely eliminates lost leads & people hanging up on you and calling your competitors!

The power or radio in a zero click google world

As mentioned in the Marketing Moment "Getting less leads from your website...", over 66% of all Google searches no longer go to a 3rd party website!

So where has that traffic gone? Seemingly Google My Business (GMB).

The problem with this is you sit "elbow to elbow" with all your competitors in GMB. Now its just a crapshoot as to who the consumer reaches out to.

How can radio help with this?

By properly branding your business (radio is the king of branding), consumers will be more likely to "like, know & trust you", resulting in more than your fair share of calls and leads.

Are texts really better than email for marketing/ outreach?

According to “The Mighty Google”, 98% of text messages are opened. Email has an open rate of 20%.

Thats a 390% improvement!

But the interesting thing is, you don't have to take Googles word for this, just consider the following 2 questions...

How many unopened emails do you personally have?

How many unopened texts do you personally have?

I'll bet you have hundreds (1,000's?) of unopened emails, and probably less than 10 unopened texts.

If you haven’t gotten on the “text marketing” bandwagon, you need to!

How to get fewer cheap/ price focused customers

If you're always dealing with price-fixated customers who live to haggle, you can stop (or at least reduce) this.

Stop advertising price.

Advertising that is primarily about price, (interest & financing rates, rebates, deals, discounts & bargains) attracts customers that NEED "the best price".

Price focused advertising even transforms non price-focused customers into price vultures!

Focus your advertising on what makes your product excellent, its benefits, how it saves time, etc. The more you talk "dollars & cents" the more your customers will as well.

A common advertising mistake...are you doing this? Compel Media London

Most businesses want too much, too soon from their advertising.

99% of all advertising you see/hear is either…

...we have a business - you have money - spend it here, or

...we have a business - here is an amazing deal (which really isn't a deal at all) - so get in here TODAY!

Then everyone is surprised "the advertising didn't work".

Successful advertisers know advertising is a marathon not a sprint. Build a relationship first, then the business comes.

Advertising that provides info, tips, ideas, exciting events... or GENUINE deals (not "save the tax!") will soon enough deliver infinitely better results.

Getting less leads from your website? This may be why

Seeing fewer leads, calls & web form submissions from your website?

In 2020, “zero click searches” hit almost 65% of all Google searches!

On top of that, Google Adwords eats an additional 1.8% of the search traffic.

(“Zero" or “no click searches” are Google searches that don't click on a 3rd party website, like yours).

So what should you do?

Optimize Google My Business & Google Maps.

Much of your lost website traffic can be found there

How to maximize a small advertising budget compel media

Focus your ad budget on fewer advertising mediums.

Often advertisers spread too little budget over too many mediums.

By concentrating your ad budget on fewer mediums, even just 1, you'll better maximize that audience.

When it comes to getting results, maximizing a few mediums is always better than being in many.

Even when we deal with larger advertising budgets, in most cases we still reduce the number of mediums to increase the results.

Want loads of leads? Get in the 3-pack

Want more phone calls, chats, leads & basically opportunities to generate more revenue for your business? Then you're new mission is to get into the Google Business Profile "3-pack"!

The Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business) is the hands down number 1 source of generating leads.

Why is that?

When people need something (anything), they head to Google. Google has positioned the "3-pack" prominently just below paid ads. This is prime real estate & generates an enormous amount of calls and clicks.

The businesses that are found in the 3-pack get far more than their fair share of the calls and leads when compared to their competition.

Want more revenue without needing more traffic?

Businesses commonly focus on getting more traffic, more calls, more visitors as the solution to get more revenue. From this they're always looking for another advertising medium to generate that traffic.

“We need to get on Facebook (or Google, or a different radio station, or TV etc…)

After spending tens of millions on advertising, I can confidently say to actually generate more revenue, there is one thing you should develop BEFORE “getting on Facebook” etc.

Conversions. Without a system to convert the traffic you drive to your website, most of that traffic will not become revenue.

By putting systems in place to ensure you're not missing calls, that your converting more of your website traffic you'll find that you're generating far more revenue than by simply spreading your budget across another advertising medium.

Google reviews. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.

Check this out for yourself.

Google a business name (on desktop or mobile) & see what pops up 1st, or inches away from 1st in the search results.

Your Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business profile), AND your Google reviews.

If you don't have a good (ideally great) star rating with loads of reviews, you have a problem because essentially when someone Google's your business this is a red flag that says "don't deal with this business".

Get loads of good reviews and watch your business grow!

Drop social media marketing and focus on this!

Google crushes social media when it comes to generating leads, calls & revenue for small businesses.

When someone has credit card in hand, ready to spend money, it is to Google they go, not their social media profile.

So drop social media & focus on your Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business).

By putting the social media time/ money/ energy into your GBP you're focusing on something that will really make a difference in your business... getting into the GBP 3 pack.

Businesses in the GBP 3 pack get more calls, leads & website visits, all of which help generate more business revenue!

The staggering power of bad reviews

Check out this stat…

80% of consumers changed their minds about a RECOMMENDED purchase after reading negative online reviews.

That is insane! Think about this for a minute, maybe longer.

The fact that bad reviews can slam the brakes on 80% of consumers after someone RECOMMENDS a product or service to them goes to show the importance of reviews and your online reputation.

If you haven’t make getting loads of 5 star reviews a priority in your business, you will soon find yourself losing out to your competitors that do.

Texts or email for marketing... which is better?

This is too easy.

Grab your phone. How many unopened emails do you have? Now check how many unopened texts.

Case closed.

Think on these stats (stats email could only dream of)...

95% are opened and responded to within 3 minutes.

Text messages have a 209% higher response rate than phone, email or Facebook.

Consumers getting SMS marketing messages are 40% more likely to convert than those who don’t.

If you want conversions, results & opens. Text. All the way.

Increase business revenue... without buying more advertising!

A FAST way to increase revenue is to accept this... your business misses phone calls.

Statistically businesses miss 20% to 60% of their calls.

Missing 2 to 6 out of 10 calls, makes your marketing MUCH more expensive.

PLUS... most callers who don’t reach you on call #1 do not call back… they hang up & call your competitors.

Solution? Automated missed call notifications. We offer a system that tracks & notifies you of missed calls (in real time)!

This either reduces, or completely eliminates lost leads & people hanging up on you and calling your competitors!

The power or radio in a zero click google world

As mentioned in the Marketing Moment "Getting less leads from your website...", over 66% of all Google searches no longer go to a 3rd party website!

So where has that traffic gone? Seemingly Google My Business (GMB).

The problem with this is you sit "elbow to elbow" with all your competitors in GMB. Now its just a crapshoot as to who the consumer reaches out to.

How can radio help with this?

By properly branding your business (radio is the king of branding), consumers will be more likely to "like, know & trust you", resulting in more than your fair share of calls and leads.

Are texts really better than email for marketing/ outreach?

According to “The Mighty Google”, 98% of text messages are opened. Email has an open rate of 20%.

Thats a 390% improvement!

But the interesting thing is, you don't have to take Googles word for this, just consider the following 2 questions...

How many unopened emails do you personally have?

How many unopened texts do you personally have?

I'll bet you have hundreds (1,000's?) of unopened emails, and probably less than 10 unopened texts.

If you haven’t gotten on the “text marketing” bandwagon, you need to!

How to get fewer cheap/ priced focused customers.

If you're always dealing with price-fixated customers who live to haggle, you can stop (or at least reduce) this.

Stop advertising price.

Advertising that is primarily about price, (interest & financing rates, rebates, deals, discounts & bargains) attracts customers that NEED "the best price".

Price focused advertising even transforms non price-focused customers into price vultures!

Focus your advertising on what makes your product excellent, its benefits, how it saves time, etc. The more you talk "dollars & cents" the more your customers will as well.

A common advertising mistake... are you doing this? Compel Media London

Most businesses want too much, too soon from their advertising.

99% of all advertising you see/hear is either…

...we have a business - you have money - spend it here, or

...we have a business - here is an amazing deal (which really isn't a deal at all) - so get in here TODAY!

Then everyone is surprised "the advertising didn't work".

Successful advertisers know advertising is a marathon not a sprint. Build a relationship first, then the business comes.

Advertising that provides info, tips, ideas, exciting events... or GENUINE deals (not "save the tax!") will soon enough deliver infinitely better results.

Getting less leads from your website? This may be why

Seeing fewer leads, calls & web form submissions from your website?

In 2020, “zero click searches” hit almost 65% of all Google searches!

On top of that, Google Adwords eats an additional 1.8% of the search traffic.

(“Zero" or “no click searches” are Google searches that don't click on a 3rd party website, like yours).

So what should you do?

Optimize Google My Business & Google Maps.

Much of your lost website traffic can be found there

How to maximize a small advertising budget compel media

Focus your ad budget on fewer advertising mediums.

Often advertisers spread too little budget over too many mediums.

By concentrating your ad budget on fewer mediums, even just 1, you'll better maximize that audience.

When it comes to getting results, maximizing a few mediums is always better than being in many.

Even when we deal with larger advertising budgets, in most cases we still reduce the number of mediums to increase the results.